I have irregular cycles, can I use Tempdrop?

Tempdrop is made up of two different tools to aid in tracking cycles. The sensor to record a nightly sleeping temp result (BBT) and an accompanying app that is used to sync the results from the sensor. The app contains an optional charting feature that has both fertility predictions and interpretation built-in*. 

"The Tempdrop sensor can be used by all; temperature accuracy
is not dependent on regular ovulation.Use the charting app
in Irregular cycles mode
  Tempdrop 3.0 - Charting app Tempdrop sensor

Those with irregular cycles must turn on Irregular cycles mode under cycle preferences in the app. Upgrade to premium to receive interpretations which can be useful as a guide (valid temperature shifts and cervical mucus patterns will be detected). For optimal use, results should always be cross-checked with a Symptothermal fertility awareness method. Predictions are not provided for irregular cycles.    The Tempdrop sensor is an easy-to-use temping tool designed to help women track their cycles. Anyone can use Tempdrop to obtain an accurate nightly sleeping temperature result (BBT) no matter their cycle patterns. Tempdrop's temp results are not affected by a lack of regular Ovulatory events. 

*Upgrade to premium for interpretations and predictions

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